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PA fireman's microphone, for the audio management system EVA-16...This fireman's microphone station has especially been developed according to the standards DIN EN 60849 (VDE 0828), EN 54-16 or DIN 14661. Thus, it allows emergency services to organise a safe and systematic evacuation of the people in case of an alarm.Supplied with hand-held PA microphone MEVAC-1FH4 alarm zones4 fireman's microphone stationsRobust red sheet steel wall-mounted housingRelay fire alarm control panel (FACP): 24 V/2 kΩRelay contact ERROR: ˜ 120 V/2 A max.Power supply: DC current 18-30 V/60 mADimensions: 305 x 235 x 140 mmWeight: 4.5 kg
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