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Simplified Recording of Network CamerasThe recording of network cameras has been a great challenge up to now: a specialised software had to be installed onto the PC and this software used to operate with one type of camera or one manufacturer only. The new network video recorders (NVR) now allow for a more simplified way of operating.These products come almost ready to use. Only the required hard disks have to be installed in order for the NVRs to be able to record signals of several hundred different types of camera. After installation, many types of cameras supporting UPnP will be identified automatically. The perfect setting can individually be chosen for each camera type. The NVRs can conveniently be accessed from any PC workstation via a web interface. Thus, the advantages of network technology can perfectly be utilised.Supplied w/o hard disks. Matching SATA hard disks are available at option.2-channel upgrade licence, for NVR-8065EU.With a software upgrade, an extension to up to 16 channels is possible (5 x NVR-UP02).
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